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BOLD is a global movement to make maternity care mother-friendly. BOLD inspires communities around the world to organize productions of Karen Brody’s critically acclaimed play about childbirth, Birth, and BOLD Red Tent birth storytelling circles to raise money and awareness to make maternity care the best it can be for all mothers. Since 2006 hundreds of BOLD events have taken place around the world produced by volunteer activists in the U.S. and around the world, educating thousands of people about childbirth options and the birthing climate in local communities.

We are BOLD Johannesburg and we will be performing the play Birth by Karen Brody, for the first time in Africa. We are a group of women who are passionate about childbirth and women's empowerment. Everyone involved in the project is volunteering and is giving their time and passion for free. We all wish to see an improvement in maternity care in South Africa and we envision a world where there is no violence or coercion of pregnant mothers; where each mother can have the birth she wants.

“‘The Vagina Monologues’ for birth.”

- Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD FACOG, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

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